San francisco gay pride parade 2018 biker dykes

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Vintage Guardian and Milk tees can still be found online. The Milk Club also debuted their annual run of shirts in a spectrum of colours to celebrate Gilbert Baker’s iconic flag’s debut at the 1978 pride parade 40 years ago. The Harvey Milk Dems and 48 Hills joined forces again to kick-off Pride in the ol’ Bay Guardian tradition with mouths full of meat and guerrilla drag courtesy of Persia.

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You can follow her on Instagram as per our tradition, we offer you, sweet San Francisco….yourself, Proud in Pictures.- S.J.T.Ĥ8 Hills- Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club Pullin’ Pork for Pride Much gratitude to my collaborator, Anna Heredia, for contributing to BAS Pride in Pictures again this year. And if there are folk that knows how to show off the fight with fabulousness and ferocity, they are the babes of the Barbary Coast. The fight continues, however, and visibility is the strongest message one can send. 0 Shares Share on Facebook Share on TwitterĪnother Pride has come and gone in a year that felt little of celebration.

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